Now, I know drawing attention to stupidity in the Herald Sun is like shooting Paris Hilton fans in Supre, but after reading this article I simply couldn't resist.
Essentially, a man by the name of Brett Franklin hit and killed two sisters near Leongatha earlier in the year. Several days before he was charged with the offence, he sold the car through a local trading post, describing it as being "new and in immaculate condition." Apparently he got around $35000 for it, after a local panel beater cleaned up the damage caused by the accident.
The family of the dead sisters said they were sickened that Mr. Franklin had sold the car, and wanted to know if he disclosed it's shocking history. Up to this point, things are still making sense. But then, Trevor, the husband of one of the sisters goes on to say "It makes me feel sick to the stomach to think that someone's driving around out there not knowing this car killed two people."
Right. Obviously there's a third victim in this whole thing that we've overlooked: Young Mr. Franklin. When you find yourself behind the wheel of a death car, you'd better close your eyes and pray to God the gas is about to run out. Otherwise you might as well kiss your sorry ass goodbye.
But hey, let's forget about the car for a second.. If we continue on down this line of reasoning, where does the madness end? The CD he was listening to, the muesli bar he was eating.. I could walk into an op-shop tomorrow and try on a nice pair of pants, completely unaware that I might be about to purchase.. The Death Pants.
And the poor bastard has to live with this for the rest of his life. How the hell are you supposed to entice prospective realtors to take on the 'Death House'? I can see them now, walking newly married couples around the place..
"Now, this is the kitchen.."
"Is this where he ate the death pizza?"
"Uhh.. Yes. Anyway, through to the ensuite.."
"Ooooh! The death shower!"
Etc. So yes, I've probably got sufficient mileage out of this. Pardon the pun. And as far as mediocre journalism goes, it's nothing compared to real issues that are covered in half-assed fashion every week. But you've gotta admit, even by Herald Sun standards, this is some pretty piss-weak stuff.
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