Sunday, November 06, 2005

Well, well.. It would appear that I've been tagged. It's probably a good thing too, as my posts lately have been a tad non-existent. In any event, I hereby present 20 facts about myself for your reading pleasure /displeasure.

1. My full name is Alexander Dennis Lesley Mills. My father's name is Dennis, and his father's name is also Dennis. Word has it that I too was very nearly a Dennis.. Which means I could have been Dennis Dennis Lesley Mills III. What a prolific life I could have led. Did I mention my mother's name is Denise?

2. My parents are polar opposites. My father is inhibited, philosophical, and a bit of a snob. My mother is bubbly, befriends anyone who comes within a 10 metre radius, and has around 800 garments of clothing. Despite this, they have not had a single argument in the 27 years that they've been married.

3. We have a cat who goes by the name of Muffin. "I bet she's a cute little girl!", I hear you think. What a stupid thing to say. Besides, Muffin is a boy. The poor bastard.. It just started hanging around one afternoon, and my mother chose to name it before we even knew what sex it was. Recently he was simultaneously diagnosed with FIV (the feline equivalent of HIV), and skin cancer on his ears. So, we did what we could, and now he looks like a ferret.

4. Much like Brother Surly, I too have had a reoccurring dream since I was a child. It involves me standing in what I could only describe as a black void, surrounded by hundreds of huge coloured spheres. For the duration of the dream, an unidentified man is yelling at the top of his lungs.. He doesn't really say anything, just makes a lot of noise. I guess there's an angsty side to me I've yet to get in touch with.

5. For the majority of my youth, I listened exclusively to dance music. Some of the earliest songs I can remember liking are 'Pump Up The Jam' by Technotronic, 'Another Night' by MC Sar and The Real McCoy, and 'There's a Party' by DJ Bobo. My passion for the music was so strong that I ended up becoming bell monitor in grade 5, and subjected the poor little tackers to bullshit techno at the end of every lunch break.. You've never seen kids fall into line so quickly.

6.This is DJ Bobo.

7. Throughout my high school years, I was a DJ on an aspirant radio station called Pulse FM. Every Saturday and Sunday afternoon I tormented the youth of Melbourne with all manor of awful dance music, and I loved it. I recently discovered some old tapes of my shows, and the early ones are hilarious.. "Umm.m.. Hi, you're on.. Err.r.... Pulse, and... *cough* I'm.. *shuffles papers*, Umm.m.. Alex.. That was.... It... Technotronic there, with..."

8. In recent times my eyes were opened to the shallowness of the 'dance culture', and now I preside over a healthy collection of jazz, '70's rock, and non-dancy electronic music. I can get into most anything that has some passion and creativity behind it, but those seem to be the genres I'm most readily drawn too. Oh, and progressive rock of course.. Why settle for one keyboard when you can have six?

9. I have been dating this girl for around 7 months now, and things seem to be going nicely.. Well, despite a passion for Hanson which has nearly torn us apart on several occasions. I keep telling her she needs to accept me for who I am.. I mean, they're my bedroom walls, and I can put up whatever posters I want to... Right?

10. As much as I hate to admit it, I really am a bit of an elitist.. I am aware of this, and struggle against it on a daily basis. Not to point the parental finger of blame, bur from a very early age it was chiselled into my brain that the majority of people are wrong about the majority of issues the majority of the time. This gave me a pretty bleak view of democracy.. Not that that's something we need to worry about now anyway. I'd like to think that I'm getting better, but the fact that I own every early Pink Floyd album except Dark Side Of The Moon would indicate otherwise... People can be pretty contrived when they want to be.

11. I'm aware of the irony here, but one of the qualities that irritate me most in people is a heightened sense of self-perception. People like to have an image carved out for themselves.. "I listen to this kind of music, I wear these kind of clothes.. I am this." I think it's quite easy to limit ourselves in our interests for the sake of consistency, because it feels neat and concise. I'm not suggesting that I love erratic, unpredictable people.. But I think it takes strength of character to be who you are, really, inconsistencies and all.

12. I hardly ever read books. Perhaps my parents bought me too many golden books as a child and I became addicted to the pictures, but for some reason I just can't find the motivation.. I'm aware that there are many great books out there that I should look into, and would probably love. The last book I read was Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, and it took me way longer that it should have.. I've just started Consolations of Philosophy by Alain De Botton.

13. I've only ever cheated on a girl once. We went out for around three months, and the relationship ended when I chose to tell her that I had been seeing her best friend for the past month. *insert Jerry Springer joke here* I've never felt so awful in all my life.. It actually made me physically ill. As much as I hated myself at the time, in retrospect I don't actually regret it.. I think I learnt a hell of a lot from the situation, and would never even contemplate doing something like it again.

14. In case you haven't noticed, I have an unhealthy fixation with Peter Andre and East 17. Although I did like them as a child, there's no rational explanation for my ongoing interest.. Perhaps it's a chemical imbalance of some sort?

15. Cicadas scare the hell out of me. I had one land on my arm once at a bus-stop, and by the time I'd finished my performance several people were reaching for their phones. I'm more than aware that they can't possibly cause me any harm, but there's just something unsettling about an insect that fucking big. I feel the same way about photos of mutant spiders and whatnot.. It's surprising that I enjoyed Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes so much.

16. This is a token entry, but my favourite films are Adaptation, Walkabout, Naked Lunch, Mulholland Drive, and most recently, Gerry. I think film as a medium is pretty much finished though.. I mean, Hillary Duff has four films coming out next year, but she can't support the entire industry by herself.

17. I'm a bit of a pack rat. I find it hard to get rid of anything that has emotional or nostalgic value. I still have the majority of my dance CDs, despite the fact that I will probably never listen to them again.. I have draws of clothes dating back to the days when it was the shit to wear shirts five sizes too big, and a box of miscellaneous romantic material, such as love letters, photos, and for some reason, a spatula.

18. I'm currently spearheading an initiative to bring the word Insania into the English diallect. For more information, see fact 14.

19. I have quite a penchant for Italian horror films from the seventies. Titles in my collection at the moment include Zombie, Zombie Flesh Eaters, Zombie 2, The City Of The Living Dead, Oasis Of The Zombies, Zombie Holocaust, Cannibal Holocaust, Cannibal Ferox, Night Of The Living Dead, Dawn Of The Dead, Day Of The Dead, Hell Of The Living Dead, The Living Dead at The Manchester Morgue, A Virgin Among the Living Dead, and The House By The Cemetery. There's a lot more out there, but I'm trying to be selective.

20. A couple of years back I was working at a fitness centre in Frankston. One day, whilst on my smoke break, I was approached by a girl wearing a school dress. She was probably around 16. She stood there and looked at me for a moment, then asked me for a cigarette. I gave it to her, and she continued to look at me. Eventually, she said "Are you gay?" To which I replied, "Err..r.. No. Why do you ask?" She said "No reason, it's just that you don't see many nice guys around here." After a couple of minutes of questioning (age, job, etc.), she said "Do you want to go and have sex?" The best sentence I could form in reply was "Uh.. I can't right now, I have to get back to work." She tried to persuade me, and told me she was really horny. As I started to walk away, she said "Do you want to see my tits?" Unsure of how to respond to the query, I said.. "Heh.. Sure, why not." So, she took them out. Outside the movie theatre, just off the Nepean Highway. She stood there for 10 or so seconds, did her dress up, and walked away giggling.

Well, that's it. I hope it's been an enlightening experience for you. I choose to hand the torch over to Gianluca, Ekstasis, Rubydot, this Bastard because of his refusal, and Slesh again, because I want to know more.


Blogger ekstasis said...

hehe, to your: :I say,
5) on of the first cd's I got myself was Hit Machine 13, which had a nice little remix of the x-files theme, thechno style, and I put it on moderately loud in my bedroom and danced, and thought I was the coolest.

10) I always thought of myself as a person who would encompass anyone into my friendship circle, because I was excluded once or twice in my lifetime, and it wasn't nice. However, I've had some rather ugly thougths at times about people, and have come to realise that I too can be quite an elitist - a social elitist, cos I want to be cool. The neverending quest continues. -> said quest involved hanging out with the theatre people I know - my god, is there anyone more cliquey than a theater person?

17) OMG so am i - I find it hard to throw away used train tix 'cos I'm an artist and I may need it someday for a project'. I've also recently kept some scratchie tickets that didn't win anything. I also have the invitation to the party that Dan and I first got together at still in my wallet. It's in a part that I never use, so I forget about it most of the time...

20) I would probably show my tits to someone too (if I was drunk and feeling elated/desperate.) haha. (which is most of the time really)

hrm... now I have to go and think of my own 20 things... bugger... oh who am I kidding? I love it.... :)

6:09 PM  
Blogger Alex Mills said...

E: I had every Hit Machine up to 13! From memory 8 was my favourite.. It had Short Dick Man by 20 Fingers on it, and probably at least one M People track.

I think we all have a little bit of the elitist gene running through us, even if it's just taking the piss out of girls who shop at Supre', which is surprisingly easy in Dandenong.

Nice to know you're always up for a little impromptu nudity too, but I think this girl was stone cold sobre. Go Frankston.

S: No cop outs! There are no rules about tagging frequency.. Unless you really can't think of 20 things, in which case I reserve the right to ask 5 questions of my choice which you have to answer truthfully..

6:47 PM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

oooooooooooooooooooooooh blog 'truth or dare'... or 'truth and truth' as I like to play - cos I can't be fucked thinking of dares....

OH yet LET'S!!!!

10:50 PM  
Blogger Alex Mills said...

I'm in! I'll think of questions in my sleep, and the game shall begin tomorrow..

10:56 PM  
Blogger Alex Mills said...

Alrighty then.. I'm painfully bored at work, so now's as good a time as any. Does anyone have a question to get the ball rolling, or should I start? I havn't played truth or truth since year 8.. *puts on Crazy Town CD*

12:52 PM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

I can only ever think of sexy ones... maybe we should start with something a tad more g rated??

-> most embarrassing moment ever?

4:36 PM  
Blogger Alex Mills said...

I know! Everything I came up with pertained to sex in one way or another.. Curse our over-active teenage minds! Hmm.m..

Ironically, my most embaressing moment ever occured during sex. I was at Earthcore, and chose to head back to my tent with a girl after consuming way too much alcohol. Things were moving along nicely, until I began to detect an odour.. Sordid details aside, someone had defecated in our tent. Whether it was the girl in question or an unidentified assailant remains a mystery to this day, but she did say "Sorry" as I attempted to clean up the mess. Nasty.

I challenge you to top that!

5:29 PM  
Blogger Alex Mills said...

I don't know if it was as embarrassing as it was wierd.. I can't imagine how that wouldn't be painful.

7:06 PM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

leprasy?? hehe

no, I don't really have that many embarrassing moments - and none of them would even come close to that...

mine's about farting during a yoga session I guess... I'm not one to get embarrassed easily any more - I just laugh at myself, along with everyone else...

9:39 PM  
Blogger Alex Mills said...

I try to do the same, but it's hard to see the humour at 6AM when your hand smells like.. Well, anyway.. I do believe it's your turn. Fire away!

10:12 PM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

oh - did I forget to mention that I also have re-tagged you??? hehe...
well, due the the infrequency of your posts, as you pointed out - it's probably a good thing...

and slesh: I'm working on the three people thing - I'm trying to decide if it's an intellectual dinner or a sexy one... and that's a hard one (no pun intended)

9:10 AM  
Blogger Alex Mills said...

Slesh: Sorry, no dice. You made no mention of any tagging whatsoever in your post, and you can't start firing tags off at people as an afterthought. Nice try though. I'll get back to you about the question..

E: I could post another 20 things, but I've already used up my A material.. Anything else I write would be pretty lacklustre, and probably quite sordid. To make things a little more interesting, why don't you set me a challenge? Perhaps a topic to write on, or something similar? Anything you wish..

11:15 AM  
Blogger ekstasis said...


I only tagged u again cos I don't know 5 different ppl.... :P (oh, that and I think u are interesting of course... yeah)


I will consider your challenge - and I too throw my hat into the ring, so to speak...

back to the TRUTH OR TRUTH
(of which, you didn't answer slesh's question)...
I've decided to go with a sexy dinner, in which case I invite Ewan McGregor, Johnny Depp and June Law... and slip something into their drinks.... and, ah, I'll leave it at that shall I?


12:34 PM  
Blogger Alex Mills said...

Nice one.

I would have to say Socrates, Hillary Duff and Scarlett Johansen. Young Scarlett and I could spend the night chatting to each other, whilst Socrates would no doubt reduce the Duff to tears within half an hour. What more could you ask for?

12:42 PM  
Blogger Alex Mills said...

Now I believe it's my turn.. In a sexual context, are there any things you would not do within reason, and what are they?

I realize it's pretty fucking childish, but we both knew it would descend to this sooner or later.. Why fight it?

12:46 PM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

yes I understand - I will not fight...

umm - shitting and pissing I will not do... everything else, I'm pretty sure I've done to at least some extent... pretty mild however.

oh - and incest, but does that really need to be said? (I'm an only child anyways...) oh - and beastiality... but I thought that was pretty much a foregone conclusion. oh - and auto-asphyxiation... I think that's just kinda creepy...

I met a guy who, for the first time ever in my experience, said he would not under any circumstance hit or treat a girl roughly (not even a little slap) cos he said any kind of disrespect to women was bad... not even a light little tap???

So basically - my answer is I'll try anything once, as long as it's not against the law, or downright dangerous to either party...


2:04 PM  
Blogger Alex Mills said...

Urghh.h.. He sounds like one of those 'girls find pseudo-femenist guys attractive' types. Good on him.

Sadly, there's not really much I could add to your list.. As I've discussed with Greg, reflux is also definitely out. Anything else I would be more than willing to try. I'm always up for something new!

Pissweak answer, but it is, nevertheless your turn.

2:29 PM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

I was about to write "yeah, anything involving bodily fluids is definitely out" - then I realised how fundamentally stupid that statement is, and chose not to.


oh fuck it, lets go for one of the stock standards: kinkyest place you've ever had sex

5:21 PM  
Blogger Alex Mills said...

Sadly my kinkiest and most disgusting places are one the same; at one of the fine toilets in the bar Pony in the city. There was nothing particularly depraved about it, until we emerged together to be greeted by a long line of highly unimpressed patrons. Sweet memories.

Your turn kids.

10:57 PM  
Blogger richardwatts said...

Somebody else likes the film Gerry? I thought I was the only one! I mean, I like Naked Lunch too, but Van Sant's Gerry is one of the most sublimely cinematic, beautiful films I know. Congratulations on your taste.

Slesh: my 3 dinner guests would be Oscar Wilde, Jack Kerouac and Arthur Rimbaud.

Things I wont do sexually: Yellow & brown, although undoubtedly there's more.

Kinkiest place I've had sex: Alleyways aren't kinky, nor are parent's beds. Does with a str8 boy, in the cupboard under the stairs of a goth club I used to DJ at count?

11:34 PM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

slesh: I like the sound of this 'fucktown' - where abouts is it located? is it in Victoria?

mill: I've always wanted to do that, but I've always been too chicken shit...

richard: does that mean you'll do RED? I still find it complete unfathomable that it's even possible for guys to do that...

my most disgusting place... probably the back of Dan's little brown Selica - it's really old and really dirty... like, crusty...

9:08 AM  
Blogger Alex Mills said...

Richard: Me too! It seems to be a film that polarizes people.. They either love it or hate it, and usually for the same reasons. I honestly found it to be a really immersive experience though.. Quite surreal. Naked Lunch is brilliant too.. What else is on your top 5?

E: I think it's much easier if you're drunk.. Or at least free of your social conscience in one way or another. Love the dirty van sex, though.. Always a classic.

I guess it's my turn now.. Hmm.m.. While we're on the topic, lets go with a classic.

Greatest sexual fantasy?

12:29 PM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

mill: it's not a van, it's a little two door sports car - so, it was slightly cramped as well as dirty... hehe


greatest sexual fantasy??? I've already mentioned dinner with Ewan, Jude and Johnny didn't I? well.... other than that....

u know - I don't think I even know any more... (this isn't a cop out I swear - I just can't think of one at the present)
oh, hang on - maybe that's it - being with more than one guy at a time?

12:55 PM  
Blogger Alex Mills said...

Sorry.. My eyes saw car but my head was thinking van. Wishful thinking, perhaps.

Interestingly, the idea of being with two girls at once doesn't really appeal to me.. Not sure why.

Sorry, it was kind of a lazy question, and to be honest, I don't really have one either.. Tried the token hand cuff thing, and the token school dress thing, neither of which did much for me.

New question time! Something a little more chin-scratching this time, perhaps?

2:05 PM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

I know: At what age did you start to feel uncomfortable being naked infront of your parents?

4:56 PM  
Blogger Alex Mills said...


Unfortunately we have a single, small bathroom.. So on the odd occasion, sacrifices still have to be made. That said, I'd say around 10 or 11, perhaps? It's kind of hard to remember.

How's about you? And, to follow up, how old were you the first time you.. Took care of business.. And do you remember what sparked your interest?

7:03 PM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

well, I'm still semi-comfortable being naked around my mum - even though we don't live with each other any more, when I go home and stuff, neither of us really mind. It was funny/weird with my dad though, cos when I was I think something like 13, he came and said to me that he didn't think it was appropriate for me to be naked around his house anymore (different parents, different houses)... I always found that a tad odd - if I don't have a problem with it, why should he??

and I was in yr 9 when I first took 'care of business'... well - ended the business if that makes any sense, so that would have made me 14? For the longest time I thought that I wasn't capable of cumming, cos it never happened - then one day I found out that if you kept going for longer than 5 seconds... magical things happen...

I don't remember how old I was, but I do remember the moment when I discovered my first pube... I couldn't work out what it was...

sexiest thing in the world is a REAL toughy - cos it changes all the time for me. At the moment I think I'd say someone's voice... there are so many sexy voices out there. But at other times I think hands are sexy, or arms, or hips - actually I like hips very very much too. Cello's are really sexy... and Portishead is really sexy music...
That one's too hard!!!!

11:39 PM  
Blogger Alex Mills said...

I think I was in year 7, which would place me at around 13 years old. I remember not quite knowing what I was doing, but that it was quite interesting.. Then the next thing I know there's, well.. I had to sneak out quietly to get a towel. Because it was a hot day.

As for sexiest thing, that's a pretty broad question. I can't deny the appeal of a girl on stage with an instrument of some sort.. I've always been a sucker for white skin, and have a certain unresolved penchant for girls with a mildly gothic appearance. Mostly though, I dig girls who have a feminine figure; curvacious, and a healthy weight. I can't stand the emaciated look.

Q: And this one is sure to cause some controversy, but if you could choose one blogspot user, based purely on what you may have read or seen, which one would you choose to sleep with?

Wow.. I suddenly feel like a 12 year old. Oh fuck man.

2:13 PM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

mill: I agree with the musician-sexy thing... they are, very.

slesh: OH thanks! tee hee - that made me smile... and then made me think about exactly what 'kinky corsetry foreplay' would be... hmmmmmmm

as for the question: ?????? veeeery hard one....
can I pick two? (I know that's a cop out - but, hey, slesh did it too... :P) (oh, but I'm going to pick two boys - still not a cop out tho :P)
if I can pick two I pick Surly and Millwood. Millwood: cos he's (you're) absolutely hilarious... and you sound really cool (not 'highbrow cool', just really cool) and I like that he/you likes (or liked) dance music, cos then I imagine you dancing, which is always hot... but cos you have a girlfriend (which is seriously offputting...) I also pick Surly: cos he can be hilarious too and does music stuff, which is always hot.

4:19 PM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

and I'm working on a good question... I'll be back soon

4:19 PM  
Blogger ekstasis said...


what's the one thought that you felt the most guilty about for thinking it at all?

4:46 PM  
Blogger Alex Mills said...

S: Thanks kid. My girlfriend does have a bit of a temper.. You should have seen what happened when I tried to hide her Hanson albums. They're still patching up the wall.

E: Best not to picture me dancing.. I suspect your illusions would be shattered rather quickly. :) That said, thanks for kind words.. To be honest, aside from my girlfriend, obviously, I would probably say you too. I have no idea what you look like of course.. But it's an art to make angst etertaining, and I think you have mastered it well. *tips hat* Still checking into the photog. courses, will get back to you soon.

In answer to your question, it's hard to remember.. Definitely the usual infidelity thoughts, those are never pleasant. I've thought about killing my boss quite a few times, but there isn't really any guilt there. How about you?

9:27 PM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

ah please LOWER expectation of looks when you meet me, I'd hate to dissapoint... mind you - your girlfriend will like me! (they always do - they know I'm non-theatening to them! :) )

my single most guilty thought is not really being sorry that I cheated on my ex... I've gradually grown to feel guilty, but I think that's more cos I felt guilty I didn't feel guilty. woah.

6:47 PM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

oh. ps: if you go back far enough in my enties there's a photo of me - I'm not going to make it easy for you though - you have to find it yourself..

6:48 PM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

sorry pps: thanks for the extreme compliment

12:03 AM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

who's up next for a question?

9:30 PM  
Blogger Alex Mills said...

If I've crunched the numbers correctly, I believe it's Slesh's turn. Fire away!

Now I'm off to find that picture.. He he.

1:33 PM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

1) i HATE it when you're kissing someone and they stick their tongue in your mouth and just leave it there... not doing anything... I mean DUDE what the FUCK am I supposed to do with that thing??????
2) someone laughing AT me (not with me - there's a difference, cos I don't mind the odd bit of giggling during whatever) and not telling me why
3) anyone saying 'ew' at any time for any reason - it's just plain not sexy
4) sticking very dry, dirty fingers up you-know-where
5) repeatedly doing things that I say again and again aren't good/are painful/just plain hurt (in a non-kinky way) - i should really only need to tell you once, twice at the most - after that, you're just a dickhead...

woah. That was really cathartic - thanks Slesh!!
how bout yoU???

12:17 AM  
Blogger gun street girl said...

I feel like I've stumbled in on a slumber party {or a threesome}.
I looked at the bottom of this post and was all like:
"51 comments, what could they possibly be talking about?"
How long has this been going for?

9:34 AM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

HEY! you can't just wander in here, unless you're going to answer all the questions that have been asked thus far - and contribute your own of course...
it wouldn't be fair otherwise...
(but please do join the fun!)

2:32 PM  
Blogger Alex Mills said...

Sorry about the slow reply kids, Blogs have officially been banned at my work. Though I'm told DVD sites, porn sites, and any sites related to Tiki Mugs are still allowed. Dandenong Massive! I digress..

1) Using too much force in certain areas. Let's just say the technique for manual leverage should vary slightly from trying to catch a runaway shopping trolley..

2) I have to agree with E, in as much that any kind of disgust is kind of a mood killer. Along with questions like 'What's that?' or putting on Ricky Martin CDs. No dice.

3) Bullshit American porn-style talk. If you ever tell me to 'put it right there baby oh yeah that's it', I'll see you later.

4) Talking about sexual concepts in really mundane, unappealing terms.. I feel there has to be a certain sense of mistique to keep things interesting, and being asked 'Are we going to have sex?' when's it's pretty fucking obvious that you are is just plain stupid. Purely hypothetical that one, of course.

5) I know this one's a bit of a stock standard, but the so-called 'dead fish' approach to relations tends to frustrate me a little bit. I mean, twitch occasionally.. You know, at least fake a little bit of effort if you can't be bothered making any real contribution.

No big suprises there, I'm sure. Who's up next? Is it me?

10:49 PM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

hehe yeah, I agree with the dead fish. At least they could make some kind of groan, just to let me know they're still alive?

yeah, I think it's your turn now (I have no idea if that's true, but lets just say it is and go with it shall we?)

btw: in case anyone was interested, I learned a little tid-bit of information at work today.
-> apparently, in Jail, if you call someone a 'Champ' - it's taken as an offence. It comes from 'champ' rhyming with 'tamp' as in 'tamper' as in 'tampering with children' as in 'child molester'... Don't ask me how I found out... (that's my way of saying: it's not a very interesting story, but if I say it like this it'll sound all sordid and mysterious...)

12:44 AM  
Blogger Alex Mills said...

Alrighty then.. I realize this is like two lazy-ass questions in a row from me, but I'm going to flip the coin and ask:

What are your top 5 sexual turn-ons?

2:12 PM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

1)sexy voice wispering in my ear
2)hands running over my back and sides
3)someone who's open about talking about sex
4)humour - if you can make me laugh at the drop of a hat, I'm all yours
5)the look that someone gives you when they're genuinely think you're sexy... if you think I'm sexy, I'll reciprocate. (point in fact: once, I got all dressed up in sexy undies, and came out and showed the guy, and he gave me the most amazing look I've ever had - and actually dropped to his knees literally... that was HOT)

9:18 AM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

man, I always forget, and have to do a second post... shit....
mill, what about you?

and then:
=>describe the moment you were the most turned on ever

9:19 AM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

millwood: you havn't wimped out on us have you??

9:03 AM  
Blogger Alex Mills said...

Ahhh! Sorry kids, kinda sorta but didn't really forget about this post for a moment. All is well now, though. Alrighty, top 5 turn-ons:

1. Anything to do with ears, or areas surrounding the ear. I don't know what it is, but something about breathing, kissing, etc. in that area makes me relinquish all power.

2. It's quite a turn on when the other person makes a little noise.. Not the American "Oh yeah baby!", as denounced earlier, but just genuine enjoyment. I know it's such a cheesy thing to say, but the biggest turn on is when you can tell the other person's turned on.

3. Comfortability. If you can tell that your partner's comfortable, it makes proceedings a lot more enjoyable.

4. Confidence. I don't really go in for the whole dominant / submissive shindig, but if your respective other is confident, it can be quite a turn on.

5. Open-mindedness.. I guess I'm a tad adventurous in that department, so some exploratory behaviour can be quite appealing. I shan't say any more.

Shiiit.. That was harder than I thought it'd be.

I'll have to ponder the most turned on moment... Will get back to you shortly.

8:17 PM  
Blogger ekstasis said...


12:28 AM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

you think I forget, but I don't forget.
if you're going to pike, you may as well admit that you're piking, and not just hope that I'll forget... which I don't forget... I'm like an elephant...
just say 'sorry, I'm all uncomfortable answering these probing questions now that I've met you, so please don't expect me to partake in this adolecent game anymore' and I'll be able to let it go....
untill then....
I don't forget...

2:17 PM  

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