I think it's time to steer this blog away from the grand tag spectacular, and back to the usually high level of philosophical musings. Hence, I choose to tackle a question that has been plaguing society for at least two decades: Is Molly Ringwald really attractive? With the careful guidance of director John Hughes, Molly rose to stardom in the '80's, headlining such films as The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles and Pretty In Pink. With a following so strong, and essentially the same cast (and plot) in every film, Ringwald and her co-stars became affectionately known as the Brat Pack.
What makes this seemingly simple question a tad complicated, however, is the fact that Ms. Ringwald has undergone more 'revitalizing' transformations than you can poke a pair of cross-colours at.
A) Most of you will remember our girl Molly as looking something like this. A little awkward, a little painful, yet strangely appealing. Shut up.
B) Then we enter phase two, where she chose to adopt a slightly more seductive persona. Unfortunately this picture makes her look more like a mother who adopted out her children and wants back in on the action. But you get the drift.
C) In her darkest hour, we witness Molly turning to the windswept, dangerous girl image. Rumour has it that this photo shoot was conducted around the same time as the initial casting for Charmed, so there may have been a method to her madness.
D) Now we enter end game. Today, we find Molly to be your standard, run of the mill, short-haired, small time Hollywood celebrity. It would appear that after some turbulent times, she finally succumbed to the system.
Although age may not have afforded her the greatest of consideration, for the majority of us, when we hear the name Molly Ringwald, we think something like this:
What makes this seemingly simple question a tad complicated, however, is the fact that Ms. Ringwald has undergone more 'revitalizing' transformations than you can poke a pair of cross-colours at.
A) Most of you will remember our girl Molly as looking something like this. A little awkward, a little painful, yet strangely appealing. Shut up.
B) Then we enter phase two, where she chose to adopt a slightly more seductive persona. Unfortunately this picture makes her look more like a mother who adopted out her children and wants back in on the action. But you get the drift.
C) In her darkest hour, we witness Molly turning to the windswept, dangerous girl image. Rumour has it that this photo shoot was conducted around the same time as the initial casting for Charmed, so there may have been a method to her madness.
D) Now we enter end game. Today, we find Molly to be your standard, run of the mill, short-haired, small time Hollywood celebrity. It would appear that after some turbulent times, she finally succumbed to the system.
Although age may not have afforded her the greatest of consideration, for the majority of us, when we hear the name Molly Ringwald, we think something like this:

Take some time to carefully consider the material.. Are the latter superficial blunders enough to outweigh her childhood prominence? Was there any childhood prominence in the first place? Or did you prefer the short nerdy guy? There are many factors to consider. Once you have done so, I implore you to Cast Your Votes.
I wouldn't say she's hot, but she definately is cute. But what would I know? I had a crush on Jennie Garth.
She was cute.
I think her massive appeal was largly due to her average-girl-next-door appearance, she remained an image of wholesomeness even after giving her "panties" to a boy so he could make people think he had slept with her{Sixteen Candles}.
She is definately one of my heros, but I gotta say "Brian" (or whatever the fuck his name is is bit of a legend as well), Ally Sheedy rocks, but only in The Breakfast Club...and Benda {Judd Nelson} is fucking mega...
If anyone, anywhere knows the punchline to the joke he never finished, because he fell through the ceiling, please, please, please let me know what it is...
walking into a bar with a poodle and some salami?
nothing funny could happen with that
i always wanted to be allison in the breakfast club, but i wanted to kiss john instead of whatsisface emilio. it shits me that he didnt notice her till she wore a headband and took all that black shit off of her eyes
Urghh... Tell me about it! The not so subtle message of 'snap out of that stupid weird girl persona and be normal' never quite sat right with me. Though I suppose if you want to get down with Emilio, there's some sacrifices you just have to make.
Yeah, that pissed me off too, I always thought she was much more attractive before the amazing all-american-teen makeover...
and the John Bender thing I totally agree...
but hey, I'm sure Emilo-whatsisface had his freaky side, c'mon; tights? Taping people's buns together?
I still want to know what the naked blonde says...
I hate to dissapoint you kid, but I found this on IMDB:
"The joke that Bender tells but never finishes (while crawling through the ceiling) actually has no punchline. According to Judd Nelson, he ad-libbed the line. Originally, he was supposed to tell a joke that would end when he came back into the library and said, "Forgot my pencil", but no one could come up with a joke for that punchline."
Thats allright droogy, but it shits me, because I don't think I'll be able to come up with a punchline for it myself, so if I ever want to tell that joke I'll have to stage it so I fall through the ceiling and can't finish it. That's just annoying.
But it would be impressive.. Particularly if you fell as far as he did.
*falls through massive ceiling*
*gets up*
*brushes self off*
"forgot my pecil"
Yeah, that would be impressive.
I quite agree. And to think my parents thought I enjoyed 'X-Files night' for the sense of family togetherness. Fools!
I just watched Sixteen Candles again, and, apart from being terribly politically incorrect in managed to provide me with yet more sway to the pro-Molly Ringwald Is cute argument.
Don't beleive me?
Friggin' rent it...
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