Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Is it just me, or are Hollywood movies actually getting worse? Gone are the days when I could enjoy the comic simplicity of Adam Sandler hitting a golf ball several kilometres with a hockey stick.. Now he'd need a black, jive-talking sidekick who calls him "a damn foo" every half an hour. Oh wait.... It did have that. Well, how about the times when Rob Schneider could make a 24 carat comedy without the need for sexual innuendo? No, you're right... There was no such time. So what is it then? Because lately I've been feeling a tad nauseous sitting through trailers for the latest blockbusters.

At a point around the last school holidays, literally every film showing was either a remake of an old movie, or an adaptation of a comic book. The only exception to this was The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants. Now, call me cynical, but if the only original idea for the Winter season is about a pair of pants which get moved around a bit, we're not doing too well.

These days it seems to be all about rehashing old success stories. I understand the logic behind the remake.. You can tap into the younger market, whilst pretty much guaranteeing any fans of the original film will come flocking back to see if Hugh Grant nailed the part. Fortunately there's quite a number of roles out there for detestable yet charming British gits, and he's got the market cornered. Nobody plays Hugh Grant better than Hugh Grant.

I guess it just disappoints me to look back upon Legally Blonde and Runaway Jury and say "Those were the days!" But it's true.. Even if you acknowledge that there's no such thing as a truly original idea in Hollywood, it has been particularly bad lately. My concern is that when all the comics have been done, and the '70's has been bled dry, where will we go from there? TV shows? "Everybody loves Raymond... Or do they? A comedy of disastrous proportions."


Blogger ekstasis said...

well - that's not a bad idea anynymous: maybe we should make a movie about genital herpes... at least it's original...

10:47 AM  
Blogger Alex Mills said...

And I thought the industry was dead!

11:12 AM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

no but seriously man - you're so right. i've had this exact conversation with so many people recently. Nothing original is happening in Hollywood, and it's starting to really irritate me (although I am a bit of a sucker for a comic book movie...).

don't even get me started on the Australian film industry. 'you and your stupid mate'???? fuck ooooooffff.....

5:16 PM  
Blogger Alex Mills said...

I can't work out if it really is that much worse, or if I'm just getting more cynical in my Autumn years.. But they're definitely out of ideas. War Of The Worlds was the tipping point for me.. Worst movie EVER.

You're right about the Australian industry too.. The only decent film of late I can think of is Somersault. Did you see that by any chance?

10:03 AM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

nope I didn't. I don't really have any inclination to see it off my own bat either. Why? Not sure... i think I'm just predjudist against aussie movies...

on the other hand, i really liked scared (no, not scared - 'on edge') in my life... which I guess is a good thing. ?? Tom Cruise wasn't even very tom-cruise-ey which was good...

hey, I never said I was cool...

10:32 AM  
Blogger Alex Mills said...

Ha ha.. I'm not familiar with that one. When did it come out? I'm even less cool than you, I was both impressed with and moved by his performance in Magnolia.. *runs away and hides*

12:19 PM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

oh wow - there was a whole chunk of text that wasn't in my reply. It was supposed to read: "on the other hand I really like war of the worlds, i've never been so scared..." etc


that totally didn't make any sense. Thanks for pretending you didn't notice.

I havn't seen Magnolia either. I've heard from others it's good - so take heart, you are not alone.

12:53 PM  
Blogger gun street girl said...

I liked Kung-fu Hustle, but its kinda not made in america so thats more of an "against" arguement thaan a "for"
oh well, fuck balance...bring on the antiamericanism...
bring it....

2:07 PM  
Blogger Alex Mills said...

I wholeheartedly condone, no - encourage anti-Americanism in this blog. Yeah, I'm a prejudiced bastard. But I did hear good things about Kung Foo Hustle.

E: I'm glad you cleared that up, because for a moment I thought there was an undiscovered jewel in the Cruise filmography..

I must admit, I found War of the Worlds particularly hard to stomach. If there's one thing super-intelligent, all-superior world conquering aliens should be able to do, it's kill Tom Cruise.. Or at least ONE of his family members.

2:31 PM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

hehehe I know - what was with that?! the dumb family ending.... *ahem* {ends discussion of shitty hollywood movies HERE}

3:07 PM  
Blogger Rubydot said...

Kung Fu Hustle did not change my life for the better, it must be said. I got dragged to see it by a friend who is massively into Kung Fu movies. Was I missing something? Do I just not understand Chinese humour?

9:39 AM  
Blogger Alex Mills said...

Chances are you were thinking too much. It seems the key to those films is to enter something akin to a catatonic state, then the humour shall flow..

But I've never really gotten into them either.

12:11 PM  
Blogger gun street girl said...

clear your mind...
focus on nothing...
then the chi and enjoyment shall flow

1:01 PM  

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